Energy Technologies, Inc.
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Energy Technologies, Inc. offers global UPS, power conditioning and power distribution products for use in various applications around the world. The following links provide access to products for specific market segments and applications.

Tactical Power, Deployable Inverters, UPS and Power Conditioning:

Designed for rapid deployment in the field in hostile environments
These rugged inverters, frequency converters and UPS products are light weight and readily deployed anywhere in the world. Most units can be handled by one person. Inputs range from vehicle power (12 and 24 VDC) to generators or local power (120 VAC or 220 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz) to aircraft power (115 VAC, 400 Hz), allowing these units to go anywhere.

Global UPS, Global Power Conditioning:

Power products designed for use outside the United States
These highly reliable UPS, Power Conditioners and Power Distribution Units are designed to automatically adjust to the input voltages and frequencies of the local country. The well regulated outputs are available as US standard (120 VAC, 60 Hz) or as local country outputs (i.e. 220 VAC, 50 hertz) including isolation.

Military Power, Defense Applications:

UPS, PDUs and Frequency Converters for Defense Applications
The standard power products in numerous military programs including ship, submarine, aircraft and vehicle applications. This series of products are specifically designed to meet the rigors for Military Standards such as Mil Std 461 for EMI/RFI, Mil-S-901D for mechanical shock, Mil Std 167-1 for mechanical vibration, Mil Std 810 for environmental and Mil Std 1399 for electrical performance.

Aircraft Power Products, Commercial and Military:

AC and DC power products designed for aircraft use
Power conditioners, frequency converters and UPS products designed for use aboard or in support of aircraft. Versions include 400 Hz to 60 Hz, 60 Hz to 400 Hz, 400 Hz to 400 Hz as well as 24 VDC. Also allows use of commercial equipment abroad aircraft.

Homeland Security Backup Systems:

Backup power for various homeland security facilities or equipment
Homeland Security systems need backup power at all times to insure continuous operation under normal and emergency conditions. These high reliability units  include desktop, rack mount and NEMA configurations for indoor and outdoor use, fixed and portable mount.

Network Power Management Systems:

Remotely Manageable Power Conditioning and Distribution Controls
Designed to provide high quality power as well as both local and remote management of the power and associated environmental parameters. SNMP and HTTP interfaces provide operational details and allow operators to turn equipment off and on (such as rebooting) via software commands.

Rugged Power Products:

Rugged Power for Harsh Environments
Designed to provide high reliability under harsh environments including wide temperature ranges, these products are the standard for rugged power. Versions include rack mount and NEMA configurations up to NEMA 4X for outdoor use in hostile locations.

Contact Information

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219 Park Avenue East, Mansfield, OH 44902-1845
Electronic mail
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Copyright © 1991- 2009 Energy Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Last modified: December 04, 2009

1st Energy™, 1st Power™, 911 Power™, AC24-7™, ACanytime™, ACanywhere™, ACbackup™, Airborne Power™, Airborne UPS™, Air Force Backup™, Air Force UPS™, Army Backup™, Army UPS™, BackupAC™, Backup Source™, BackupTheWeb™, Battle Power™, Blackout Prevention™, BusinessBackUPS™, cleanUPS™, Coast Guard Power™, Coast Guard UPS™, Controlling Power™, DC24-7™, DCbackup™, Eco Power Source™, eDocsPort™, EnergyTech™, ETI™, Expeditionary Power™, Extreme Power Source™, Global Power Source™, Global UPS™, Homeland Security 24-7™, Improved Power™, Industrial Backup™, InfoBackup™,  Intelligent UPS™, Internet Power Manager™, Lab Power™, Lab UPS™, Light UPS™, Know Power™, Marine Corp Backup™, Marine Corp Power™, Marine UPS™, Medical AC™, Medical Backup™, Military Backup™, Navigation Power™, Navy Power™, Navy UPS™, Network Power Manager™, OfficeUPS™, OnsiteBackup™, openUPS™, PersonalSource™, PetroChemPower™, PipelinePower™, PortablePowerPlant™, PoweringTheNet™, Power Protection™, Power Security™, PowerStatus™, Preventing Blackouts™, Redundant Power™, Renewable Source™,  Rugged Power™, Rugged Systems™, SCADApower™, Security Gate Power™, Shipboard Power™, Shipboard UPS™, SignalBackup™, SolarBackup™, Solar Power Source™, Tactical Computers™, Tactical Micro Grid™, TacticalOffice™, Tactical Shelter Systems™, Tactical Solar Shelter™, Tactical Wind Turbine™, TelecomBackup™, TelecomPowerSource™, ThePowerConnection™, Traffic Backup™, TrafficSignalBackup™, UPStart™, Utility Backup™, windUPS™, Warfighter Backup™, Warfighter Power™, and WorldPower™ are trademarks of Energy Technologies, Inc.

Diplomatic Power®, Extreme UPS®, Industrial Power Source®, Military Power®, Tactical Computer Workstation®, Tactical Data Vault®, Tactical Fuel Cells®, Tactical Generator®, Tactical Inverter®, TacticalPower®, Tactical Power Plant®, Tactical Solar® and Tactical UPS® are registered trademarks of Energy Technologies, Inc.

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